Sometimes the development team requires more manpower than is able to hire here and now. Moreover, local salaries may be too high for the business. The best solution is to expand your team using a reliable subcontractor from Eastern Europe.

Deloevpment Team Expansion upon Request

Every our staff member...

  • has 3+ years of experience on average

  • is English speaking

  • isn't a stranger to Jira, Trello, Toggl, and other industry-standard tools

  • works fine with .NET, iOS, Android, or Web

We are ready to provide you talents on-demand to enforce your development team

Back-end developers

Back-end developers skilled in different popular technologies (.NET, Java, Node.js, Azure) - middle and senior level of proficiency.
Front-end developers (Angular 4, Sass, Webpack, TypeScript) - junior to senior level.

Front-end developers

Database developers and administrators

Database developers and administrators (MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Cosmos DB) - senior-level only.
iOS developers (Realm Database, Swift, Xcode, UIkit, Foundation Framework, MapKit) - junior to senior level.

iOS developers

We are working in GMT+3 timezone. Here you can find out more about the processes we follow.
Android developers (Realm Database, Java, Retrofit+RxJava) - middle and senior level.

Android developers

QA engineers of both manual and automated testing - junior to senior level.
QA engineers
Leave us your contact details and we will proceed with our discussion quite soon!